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A few Scikit Learn Datasets

Following is the list of a few datasets which comes with the scikit-learn (sklearn) library in Python:

  1. Boston Housing Dataset
  2. from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
    # Load the dataset
    boston = load_boston()
    # Print the dataset description
    # Access the feature matrix
    X = boston.data
    # Access the target vector
    y = boston.target

  3. Iris Dataset
  4. from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
    # Load the Iris dataset
    iris = load_iris()
    # Print the data and target shape
    print(f"Data shape: {iris.data.shape}")
    print(f"Target shape: {iris.target.shape}")

  5. Wine Dataset
  6. from sklearn.datasets import load_wine
    # Load wine dataset
    wine_data = load_wine()
    # Print the description of the dataset

  7. Breast Cancer Dataset
  8. from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
    # load breast cancer dataset
    breast_cancer = load_breast_cancer()
    # print dataset description
    # print dataset shape

  9. Diabetes Dataset
  10. from sklearn import datasets
    # Load the diabetes dataset
    diabetes = datasets.load_diabetes()
    # Print the feature names
    # Print the first 5 rows of the data
    # Print the target variable (i.e. disease progression)

  11. Linnerud Dataset
  12. OLS Dataset
  13. 20 Newsgroups Dataset
  14. Olivetti Faces Dataset
  15. California Housing Dataset
  16. Digits Dataset
  17. Labeled Faces in the Wild Dataset
  18. Sample Images Dataset
  19. Random Sample Generator
  20. Swiss Roll Dataset
  21. S-Curve Dataset
  22. Make Circles Dataset
  23. Make Moons Dataset
  24. Make Classification Dataset
  25. Make Regression Dataset
  26. Make Multilabel Classification Dataset
  27. Make Blobs Dataset
  28. Make Checkerboard Dataset
  29. Make Fuzzy Circles Dataset
  30. Make Fuzzy Moon Dataset
  31. Make Hastie 10 2 Dataset
  32. Make Classification Imbalanced Dataset
  33. California Housing Prices Dataset
  34. COIL-20 Dataset
  35. Cover Type Dataset
  36. Digits Dataset (Optical Recognition of Handwritten Digits)
  37. Forest Cover Type Dataset
  38. Internet Advertisements Dataset
  39. Seeds Dataset
  40. Titanic Dataset
  41. Trains Dataset
  42. Thyroid Disease Dataset
  43. Multiple Features Dataset
  44. Labeled Faces in the Wild (10 categories) Dataset
  45. Boston Housing Prices Dataset

